Selasa, 22 Oktober 2019

Lowongan Kerja PT RMK Energy

Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT RMK Energy

PT. RMK Energy, a company duly organized and validly existing under the Indonesian law, with its principal office at Wisma RMK, West Jakarta. The Company specializes in building integrated infrastructure facilities aiming primarily to service coal mining projects. With its commitment and continuous efforts towards excellence, the Company has grown to become one of the most widely recognized coal infrastructure companies in Indonesia.

In addition to operating a number of strategic facilities, the company also emphasizes the importance of providing the best services to its customers. This is apparent through the management’s commitment in improving the quality of the services offered. As such, all employees will adhere to the values that the Company adamantly holds:

PT RMK Energy membutuhkan karyawan untuk posisi
MEKANIK (Penempatan: Musi Palembang dan Berau)
Mekanik DT, A2B

- Berpengalaman minimal 4-5 tahun sebagai Mekanik A2B atau Dump Truck
- Mampu melalukan service, perbaikan dan troubleshooting terhadap alat berat seperti Kobelco SK200, Bulldozer D85ESS-2, Wheel Loader Komatus WA380, DT Scania, DT Nissan, DT Faw, Hino FM260TI dan JT
- Mampu mengontrol dan melaporkan semua aktifitas di lapangan kepada Foreman Supervisor
- Mampu membaca Shop Manual dan Partbook Equipments

Job Description:
- Mengikuti briefing pagi bersama crew plant
- Mampu menganalisa pekerjaan dari potensi accident/incident terhadap diri sendiri atau rekan kerja
- Memastikan dan menjaga lingkungan kerja (workshop/lapangan) serta tools rapi dan bagus
- Mengikuti dan follow up rencana kerja dari foreman, supervisor atau maintenance planner
- Mampu untuk melakukan pekerjaan rutin serperti Daily Inspection, Preventive Maintenance dan Troubleshooting terhadap unit Dump Truck dan Alat Berat
- Mengisi dan memastikan semua WO yang diberikan di isi dan ditanda tangani sebelum diserahkan ke Foreman atau Supervisor
- Berkomunikasi dengan team mekanik

Apabila anda mempunyai kriteria yang sesuai, silahkan mengirimkan CV anda ke pudji@rmkenergy.com