Lowongan Kerja Kaltim PT Kutai Energi Terbaru Agustus 2022
PT Kutai Energi is a Coal Mining Company. We are established in 2005 , Located in Kutai Kartanegara, East Kalimantan ,Indonesia.
PT Kutai Energi Optimize the value of our resources to best contribute to shareholders, stakeholders, and the nation. Sustainable excellence through continuous improvement of people and processes.
We are looking for qualified and passionate candidates to fill positions Supervisor Mine Plan Engineer. Candidates will be responsible for Able to make optimization and reserves of coal reserves, make LOM (Life of Mine) create Annual Sequens and West Dump, supervise Mining Sequences, providing technical mine engineering and planning support Responsible with mine plan periodically Analyze daily, monthly and yearly operations .Updates of the short term mine plan with respect to the long term mine plan.Daily interaction with surveyors to ensure mine plans are understood and marked-up on time. Ensure the implementation of health, safety and environment in mine plan and mine design process.
We Are Hiring
- Melakukan fungsi pengawasan operasional penambangan
- Melakukan fungsi pengawasan keselamatan kerja (K3 )
- Melakukan pengawasan pencapaian target produksi
- Usia Maksimal 40 Taun
- Pengalaman bekerja di Perusahaan Tambang, minimal 2 tahun di posisi yg sama
- Pendidikan terakhir Sarjana (S1 )
- Memahami operasional tambang terbuka , termasuk dewatering. pit service, dan produktivitas alat berat
- Memiliki Setifikat POP
- Komunikatif, tegas, dapat mengembangkan bawahan, mampu melakukan improvisasi
- Penempatan dilokasi project, area Kutai Kartanegara Kalimantan Timur
Kirim Lamaran ke : Recruitment@kutaienergi.co.id
Email Subject: (SPV_PROD)
J1. Bara No. 01 Kelurahan Teluk Dalam
Kecamatan Muara Jawa. Kutai Kartanegera
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